2016 is the final year of Linda's PhD, and the third year of the Bees 'n Beans family of projects, so expect to see the return of some familiar work as well as new things to get involved in, coming up! So far, we have plans for:

1) Bees 'n Beans: Round 3. Following last year, a few more tweaks have been made to the project plan. We're not going to continue with the radishes this year (they were not as user-friendly as we had hoped), and instead will be sending more beans out, asking volunteers to grow some in pots and some in their soil, to see if that can be used to further simplify the final protocol. Started!

2) School activities. The reception to having versions of this project (or similar) last year was very postitive, so we're hoping to produce downloadable packages for schools (and home schools, and the generally-interested) so this sort of pollination study can be tailored to their own requirements.

3) Urban Yields and the Need for Bees. Both these projects were well-recieved last year, and we hope to build on that again this year, with development of a yields / bee effort tracking webpage, and looking out for Sentinel Gardens (more later - watch this space!). In development.

4) All About Alliums. Run through the Buzz Club, this project will look at the effort of wider pollinators in garden spaces, using these beautiful flowers to measure pollination. Started!

5) Bee-friend your garden. A new project for this year, based in Brighton, which will look at what effect growing crop plants near to co-flowering ornamentals has on the yield of fruit. Open now! Interested?

And more! If you're interested in any of these projects, you can sign up for our announcement / recruitment emails below:

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